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Notice is hereby given that CHRISTINE LEE, Administratrix of the succession of Clausey Junius Lee II, has filed a Petitioner for Authority for Private Sale of Immoveable Prope1ty on behalf of the Succession of Clausey Junius Lee II to sell the following described immovable property:

Two (2) certain lots or parcels of ground, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, situated in the City of Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, and being more particularly described as LOTS NOS. TWENTY-TWO (22) AND TWENTY-FOUR (24) OF THE GABRIEL MELANCON ADDITION, as shown on plat of survey made by M.J. Goudeau, Jr., C. E., dated May 1, 1944, recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 69, records of St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. Said lots have a combined frontage of one hundred (100′) feet on Railroad Avenue by a depth running in an easterly direction of two hundred thirty-five and three-tenths feet (235.3′) feet on the north line of Lot 22 and two hundred twenty-nine and one tenth feet (229.1′) on the south line of Lot 24, said lots herein sold being contiguous and being bounded as a whole as follows, to-wit; north by Lot 20 of said subdivision, south by Lot 26 of said subdivision, east by Bayou Tesson, and on the west by Railroad Avenue.

Being the same property Eddie Theo Ledoux, Sr. and Lou Anna Joubert Ledoux, Sr. and Lou Anna Joubert Ledoux acquired from Edmond Godeaux, et als, by Act of Sale dated May 28, 1976, recorded at original act number 598547, records of· St. Landry Parish, Louisiana.

The property conveyed herein has an as its address 1225 S. Railroad Avenue, Opelousas, Louisiana 70570.


That the property be sold for no less than EIGHTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($89,500.00) or for the highest offer subject to approval of this court should the highest offer be less than the price stated above.

Notice is hereby given to all parties whom it may concern, including the heirs and creditors of the decedent herein, of this estate that they be hereby ordered to make any opposition to which they have or may have to such application, at any time, prior to the issuance of this order or judgment authorizing, approving and homologating such application and that such order or judgment may be issued after seven (7) days, from the date of the publication of such notice, all in accordance with law.

Publish Twice.


Lee C. Durio (37453) – 241 W. Mills Avenue – Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 70517

Telephone: 337-909-1111 – Fax: 337-909-1112

Attorney for Succession

Publication: St. Landry Now

113 West Landry Street · Opelousas, Louisiana 70570

