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Publisher Note: This is an opinion piece in response to recent articles regarding Ethic Violations accusations about Sheriff Bobby Guidroz. This opinion was originally published on the FaceBook Page of Congressman Capt. Clay Higgins on October 2, 2023.

Posted by Congressman Capt. Clay Higgin

Let me say that I think this can’t be true. I just don’t believe it. It reeks of persecution to me. I encourage everyone to refrain from judgement here. Let me explain.

The Sheriff and I have had our differences, God knows… but Bobby has always tried to provide the very best benefits for his Deputies, including insurance, and DCG has always been a factor in that equation. I’ve observed this from the inside.

Every year, the Sheriff was great about fully supporting his senior administrative Majors and Captains whenever anything was on the table that might improve his Deputies everyday lives. Every time insurance was renegotiated, Sheriff Guidroz wanted his men to have the best insurance possible at the lowest price. Every single time, Bobby put a great deal of pressure on the negotiations in order to get the best insurance benefits for his men.

So, his family ends up related by marriage to a DCG heir. So what? Is the Sheriff supposed to walk away from the best insurance benefits he can get for SLSO just because he has a personal relationship with the insurance company executive? Good Lord, in St. Landry Parish everybody has some kind of a personal relationship with the entire community. And the SLSO/DCG relationship goes way, way back.

In my opinion, this accusation seems to twist reality into a sensationalized attack. Bobby Guidroz has been a great Sheriff for our Parish. I may have done some things differently and you may have done some things differently, but heavy is the head that wears the crown, and Sheriff Guidroz has stood his ground.

This insurance impropriety accusation does not sit right with me, it does not fit what I recall to be the truth. Bobby always did his best for his Deputies, and I’m willing to bet that’s exactly what he did here.
