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Mardi Gras season is in full swing in Opelousas as the Opelousas Imperial Mardi Gras Association held a Mardi Gras brunch at Very Nagy’s La Bellevue Petit Chateau. Special guests, members of the royal court and King Imperial V Joseph Godchaux and Queen Lily V Aquanits Zachary were there enjoying pre-Mardi Gras event. OIMGA member Bruce Alsandor introduced the king and queen to the audience before Robbie Sebastien presented the king and queen with complimentary gifts. Musical entertainment was provded by David Mouton with the delicious brunch fit for a king and queen provided by Joella LeBlanc. The next OIMGA event wil be the Grand Mardi Gras Ball to be held Saturdy, Jan. 20, at the Delta Grand Theater. See a photo gallery of the event at
