On Monday, January 15th the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Grand Parade will roll through the streets of Opelousas for the 42nd time at 1pm. Staging begins at 11am for “Line Up Time” at the Opelousas South City Park.
The parade will roll out 1pm and head North down Market Street, East on Block Street, North on Union Street and disband at Holy Ghost Catholic Church. Parade will be followed by a 2pm-4pm program in the church where speakers will share inspirational messages and a choir and liturgical dancers will perform.
Mr. Patrick Fontenot, president of William Progressive Live/Accident Insurance, will serve as Grand Marshal. Mr. Donavan Leday, a student of Southern University, will serve as Jr. Marshal.
Speakers will share inspirational messages. There will be a choir, liturgical dancers
For more information, contact Mrs. Rebecca D. Henry at 337-945-5064 or Ms. Nia Hentry at 337-523-8079.