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BOBBY ARDOIN Editor/Consulting Writer

Opelousas native Travionne Bob, who graduated from the Magnet Academy of The Cultural Arts in 2019, is one of five Dillard University valedictorians honored Saturday during graduation held on the New Orleans campus.

A first generation college graduate, Bob also received a bachelor of science degree in mathematics from Dillard in addition to a minor in actuarial science.

Bob, according to a Dillard University press release, is currently preparing for his actuary examinations.

Actuarial science normally applies mathematical and statistical methods to areas involving risk management, insurance and corporate investments.

While at Dillard, Bob was a member of the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge quiz bowl team and the Louis Stokes Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation In Research.

Bob was also an active member in the Dillard University Community Service Committee and the university Honors Program.

During a questionnaire that Bob filled out for the Daily World newspaper before his high school graduation, Bob listed mathematics as his favorite subject. He credited MACA mathematics teacher Sarah Scott as his favorite teacher.

The Dillard press release lists Junius Egsby Jr., a junior high and high school English and social studies teacher as the person who influenced Bob to attend Dillard Univeristy 


  • Courtney Jennings is a contributing writer with St. Landry Now since 2023 covering local events throughout the parish. She also runs the local publication MacaroniKID Acadia-St. Landry, an online publication and weekly e-newsletter on family friendly activities, local events, and community resources for parents.

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  • Bobby Ardoin