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Opelousas Police Chief Graig LeBlanc and his wife St. Landry Parish Sheriff Department Captain Crystal LeBlanc were admitted to different hospitals for non-life-threatening gunshot wounds late Friday night following what Sheriff Bobby Guidroz is describing as a domestic incident that apparently involved three persons.

According to Guidroz, LeBlanc and LeBlanc were injured by gunshots at the Garnet Drive home of an Opelousas Police Department officer.

They were transported separately to hospitals in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, reports from three Lafayette televisions indicated.

Guidroz told Lafayette television station KADN during an interview that LeBlanc appeared Friday night outside the home of the city police officer that he did not identify.

The owner of the home, according to Guidroz, appeared at the doorway of the residence with a gun. One of the shots fired, Guidroz said, is believed to have injured LeBlanc in the arm, while another bullet struck the police chief in the hand.

Since the shooting occurred outside the city limits, the Sheriff’s Department conducted the initial phase of the investigation on Friday night.

Guidroz mentioned during the KADN interview that the Sheriff Department is continuing to investigate the incident. No charges at this point have been filed against anyone connected to the incident, said Guidroz.  Photo and story by Bobby Ardoin
