Job seekers arrived at the Yambilee Building early Thursday in hopes of finding employment at the St. Landry Career and Resource Expo, hosted by Acadiana Workforce Soluntions in partnership with St. Landry Parish Community Action Agency. “The lines were forming outside before the event began,” stated Opelousas Mayor Julius Alsandor who was there representing the city of Opelousas.
After walking around the many booths set up I saw a group of young women checking out the St. Landry. Parish Sheriff’s Department booth. Kia Williams was there listening intently as the presenter spoke on the career opportunities in law enforcement. Kia and her friends collected some reading material before moving onto the next booth.
Kia is a 2021 graduate of Opelousas High School as are her classmates with her, Taylor Auzenne, Amber Papillion and Son’Ja Hines. Kia was at the expo in hopes of finding a job that would provide her with an income before attending college in the future. In the next five years she is hoping to have finished college and land a good paying job.
Mayor Julius Alsandor, who was a high school teacher at OHS, met up with Kia and her friends as they were leaving and commented that Kia and her friends were a pleasure to have as students at OHS.