Publisher and Contributing Writer
As we celebrate Historic Preservations Month this May, St. Landry Now is listing all the properties in St. Landry Parish that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places through the National Park Service. Please notice that some are individual listings, and others are listed as districts, such as the Opelousas Historic District, the Grand Coteau Historic District and the Washington Historic District. Each of those districts contain several buildings that are contributing elements.
St. Landry Parish Properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places:
- Academy of the Sacred Heart – Grand Coteau
- Arlington Plantation House – Washington
- Burleigh House – Grand Coteau
- Chretien Point Plantation – near Sunset
- Martin Donato House – Opelousas
- Edward Benjamin Dubuisson Home – Opelousas
- Alexandre Fontenot, fils, House – Opelousas
- Frozard Plantation House –
- Grand Coteau Historic District
- Homeplace – Washington
- Labyche-Estorge Home – Opelousas
- Lafleur House
- Dominque LaLanne House and Store – near Washington
- Lamorandier-Prudhomme-Jackson House
- John Lewis House – near Opelousas
- Liberty Theater – Eunice
- Midland Branch Railroad Depot – Eunice
- Montet House
- Moundville Plantation House – near Washington
- Mouton Home (aka Governor’s Mansion) – Opelousas – No longer as it was destroyed by fire
- Old Federal Building – Opelousas
- Opelousas City Hall (aka Opelousas Town Market) – Opelousas
- Opelousas Historic District
- Plaisance School – Plaisance
- Poiret Place
- Michel Prudhomme House – Opelousas
- Ray Homestead – Opelousas
- Robin House – between Leonville and Arnaudville
- St. Landry Catholic Church – Opelousas
- St. Landry Lumber Company – Opelousas
- Starvation Point
- Sunset High School – Sunset
- Venus House – Opelousas
- Washington Historic District
- White’s Chapel United Methodist Church