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The Opelousas Little Theatre presents the 2024 J.A. Allen Showcase with local talent providing a night of entertainment that delivers an emotion-packed performance.

The Showcase is Acadiana’s longest-running theatrical variety show! It’s an annual celebration of the local talent that makes Opelousas unique. If you have never been then you will be in for a real treat as this show brings performances delivering musical vocalists, comedic skits, monologues and more.

A recent visit to the little theatre during their opening weekend of the showcase did not disappoint. There is something to be said about seeing live performances in their purest form. As we were sitting in the audience of the Opelousas Little Theatre watching the local talent perform before us, the distractions of the world became obsolete for a moment.

The musical numbers had us in awe as we watched local vocalists give their all, some making their debut and others who are seasoned veterans to the stage. The comedic skits had us in stitches and tears of sheer delight that could be clearly felt by everyone in the building.

Not every performance was light and cheerful, however, with a monologue from the late Judy Garland that gave a glimpse of the darkness she endured during her glory days. A beautiful tribute to the late Whitney Houston gave us chills and an original vocal performance that delivered a powerful message on real emotions of feeling ‘Rejected’.

The J.A. Allen Showcase always delivers a great show with variety that can be enjoyed by all. This year’s showcase was no different featuring performers in all forms from young students to the well-experienced, from award-winning speech participants to first-time performers. This cast gave their all, in an authentic form, and consist of local everyday people in our community who take the time out of their schedules to make rehearsals and prepare to take the stage. You can feel the fun and enjoyment that is shared on that stage.

You can catch the next performance of the J.A. Allen Showcase this weekend and next.

Upcoming Dates:

Saturday, January 27 at 7pm

Sunday, January 28 at 2pm

Thursday, February 1 at 7pm

Friday ,February 2 at 7pm

Saturday, February 3 at 7pm

Sunday, February 4 at 2pm

The Opelousas Little Theatre is located in South City Park behind the Fire Station at 1359 South Park with parking at Donald Gardner Stadium. Tickets can be purchased online at or purchased at the door. Prepare to arrive early to ensure a seat if purchasing a ticket at the door.


  • Courtney Jennings is a contributing writer with St. Landry Now since 2023 covering local events throughout the parish. She also runs the local publication MacaroniKID Acadia-St. Landry, an online publication and weekly e-newsletter on family friendly activities, local events, and community resources for parents.

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