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The St. Landry Parish Sobriety Court has continued its mission to increase public safety by reducing the number of repeat impaired driving offenders with the funding provided by the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission (LHSC) for the fiscal year that began October 1, 2022, ending September 30, 2023. “Feb. 2020, the Court has worked in partnership with the LHSC and the Louisiana Supreme Court – Drug and Specialty Court Office to treat 11 repeat offenders thereby increasing the safety of the city and surrounding areas,”  Judge Jason Meche with District Court  is our judge over the program. Norman Rene is the coordinator of the program .

Statistics show that the rate of recidivism is reduced by 20 percent after completing a Sobriety Court program.  This is due to the high accountability while participating in the program.  The Court’s program of rewards and sanctions has therapeutic benefits, allowing participants to be empowered to have a sense of ownership through their steps of sobriety and recovery.

For more information on the programs supported by the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission please visit them at:
