St. Landry Now Guest Editorial
By Lincoln Savoie
Gov. Landry has declared an “emergency” to increase the number of law enforcement persons in Louisiana. A veteran, Gov. Landry is aware of the 267,000 veterans residing in this state. The majority have been cleared for a federal security clearance and have proven leadership qualities. I feel they are ready to serve again. Without going into detail Gov. Landry needs to form a strong recruiting committee with a mission plan, with a budget and present this to next legislative session for his “emergency” plan. “Gov. Landry you have a solution–good luck”. NOTE: OUR VETERANS HAVE PROVEN THEY CAN SECURE A COUNTRY–THEY CERTAINLY CAN SECURE OUR STATE..
Very Respectfully,
Link Savoie
Army RetiredPast State VFW Commander Korea/Viet Nam Veteran
Courtney Jennings is a contributing writer with St. Landry Now since 2023 covering local events throughout the parish. She also runs the local publication MacaroniKID Acadia-St. Landry, an online publication and weekly e-newsletter on family friendly activities, local events, and community resources for parents.
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