Besides our military cemeteries in the United States, I would venture to say few Americans are aware of European resting places for those men and women who died and were buried on the same battle field on which they fought. Allow me to refresh your memory.
France has 11 US military cemeteries
Belgium has 3 US military cemeteries
England has 2 US military cemeteries
Italy has 2 US military cemeteries
The Netherlands has 1 US military cemetery
Luxembourg has 1 US military cemetery
A total of 104, 366 brave Americans who did not ask for praise but only asked to be remembered!! Each of these cemeteries are maintained by the hosting country and each marked with an extremely tall flag pole proudly flying an American flag.
Very Respectfully,
Link Savoie
Military Retired – Korea/Vietnam veteran
648 Thelma Drive, Sunset, LA 70584
Home # 337-662-7283
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