Contributing Writer
Several years ago, Robert “Bob” Bienvenu (1936-2022) sent me this photo and information on the 1913 Opelousas baseball team. In the email that was sent with this photo was the following from Bob on the identification of the photo: “Three of our relatives are in this picture: Kneeing, far right, with dark straw hat, George Bienvenu, Sr. (our dad); Sitting third from right, Charlie Thompson; and boy, center, holding bat, Lesley Harris.”
The original caption on the back of the photograph lists everyone, in no order, as follows: “Charlie Prejean, first base; Alfeocks, second base; J. B. Francioni, short stop; Leonce Broussard, third base; John Brown, left field; Charlie Thompson, field; Dowie, catcher; Tom Casey, pitcher; Mayor E. Leob; J. P. Trosclair, umpire; George Bienvenu, scorer, and Lesley Harris, mascot.” Mayor Leob is standing, second from right. (Photograph from the Robert Bienvenu collection.)

Note: I am so sorry to hear about the death of Opelousas native Robert Bienvenu, who died on Saturday, February 19th. He was a special person who loved his hometown and enjoyed sharing photos and stories of Opelousas and the people he knew. He was brilliant and had a remarkable memory. A true Louisiana gentleman. RIP my friend. Prayers for Robert’s family and friends.