Photos From the Past – Main Street Downtown Opelousas
January 17, 2022
Photos From the Past – Main Street Downtown Opelousas
Main Street in Opelousas from the late 19th century into the 20th century.
Main Street in downtown Opelousas has always been a vital part of the commercial districts for two centuries. These photos show the street as it appeared over some of those years.
The featured photo above shows Main Street looking south in the 1890s. Pictured are many of the businesses on the Main Street block between Bellevue and Landry streets. Some of the businesses at that time included the store of Solomon Jacobs, pictured to the left, and the store of Joseph Bloch, pictured to the right. In the center of the block is the Sandoz Opera House, an important part of the town’s story at that time.
The following photos are just a few more views of Main Street over the years.
Main Street near Landry Street looking south in c. 1915. The building to the right on the corner of Main and Landry streets is the Opelousas National Bank. Across Main Street on that corner is the St. Landry State Bank Building.
Main Street at Landry Street, looking north, at the turn of the 20th century.Main Street at North Street, looking south, in downtown Opelousas in c, 1920. Pictured here to the left is the DelBuono’s Place coffee house on the corner of Main and North streets. The owner claimed to have the best coffee in Opelousas in an advertisement appearing in the Clarion Progress newspaper on February 3, 1928. Declaring it was always good, owner Anthony DelBuono said: “you will enjoy coffee at my shop.” This third photograph shows DelBuono’s on the corner in c.1920s. Later the building was the Main Street Liquor Store for many years. Eventually it became Le Zinc Main Street Bar and Restaurant and today is home to the Arpeggios Lounge and Event Center. Also in this photo across North Street to the left is Bordelon Motor Company in the building that once housed Dietlein’s Store and the store of P. T. Blackshear. Across Main Street on the right is the M. P. Young Drug Store, with a social hall on the upper floor.Main at Landry Street in downtown Opelousas – c. 1930sMain Street in Opelousas looking north, in c. 1940s