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Contributing Writer and Publisher

Photograph: Carola Lillie Hartley Collection

Owned by John and Beulah Badeaux, the Traveler’s Motel and Café was located on U. S. 190 near Port Barre. The motel was opened in about 1957. As the business continued to grow, in 1959 a swimming pool was added.[1]  During that same year, the Traveler’s Café, which was in operation for a few years in another location, opened for business in a new building near the motel.[2] This photograph on a post card shows the Traveler’s Motel soon after the pool and café were added. At that time the motel was describes as follows: “Traveler’s Motel offers the traveler a 40-unit, modern and air-conditioned place to rest and relax. A large swimming pool, restaurant, vented heat, and tiled baths add to the pleasure of your stay. 6 miles East of Opelousas – 54 miles West of Baton Rouge.”  

[1] Entre Nous by Frank Dietlein, Jr., Daily World, July 19, 1959, Page 4.
[2] Entre Nous by Frank Dietlein, Jr., Daily World, April 29, 1959, Page 25.
