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BOBBY ARDOIN Editor/Consulting Writer

Caren Chambers says life on Trosclair Street is beyond exasperating and she has the photographs to prove it.

Chambers told the Opelousas Board of Aldermen last week that the deep and expansive hole in front of her house has remained filled with water as long as she can remember.

The situation continues affecting her quality of life on Trosclair, a small street located off West Grolee, Chambers pointed out.

“I really need to get something done. I want to speed it up. This has been going on for a long time,” Trosclair told the Board.

During her address at the meeting, Chambers held up a large photo, which she said tells the story of how the collected pool of water seemingly never recedes.

The situation, Chambers noted, has caused her to purchase a truck that she said is necessary to navigate the hole.

“For a long time this situation has been a strain on my family. I also want to know when Jordan and Joseph (streets) will be fixed,” Chambers said.

Public Works Director Travis Van Wright told Chambers that he’s aware of the situations on the three streets that Chambers mentioned during her presentation to the Board.

“Trosclair is a mess and it’s not being neglected because I choose to,” Van Wright said.

Van Wright told Chambers and the Board that he is aware that there are possibly plans that are developing in order to improve the situation on Trosclair, as well as on Jordan and Joseph streets.

However, as he has told city officials often during his monthly Public Works report, Van Wright said progress at making improvements is limited primarily due to personnel.

Van Wright said city workers are also trying to determine the source of the water and whether there are leaks on the municipal side of the street that have caused the habitual water collection. 

Delita Broussard whose election district includes Trosclair, Jordan and Joseph, has occasionally questioned for several months about the existence of the large holes on each of the streets.

“It’s been a situation that has been going on over there for a number of years. Trosclair was a gravel street that was never paved. Over time, the city has come in and filled up the holes, but the rain keeps going through all the gravel and staying there,” Broussard said in a telephone interview.

Broussard said Chambers isn’t magnifying the situation.

“Sometimes it seems that you could swim there after a good rain. The mayor has been out there and he has been looking (at Trosclair). There are also ditches along the street there that are never cleared. (Chambers) has been there on Trosclair for something like 22 years and it’s time something starts getting done,” Broussard said. 


  • Courtney Jennings is a contributing writer with St. Landry Now since 2023 covering local events throughout the parish. She also runs the local publication MacaroniKID Acadia-St. Landry, an online publication and weekly e-newsletter on family friendly activities, local events, and community resources for parents.

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  • Bobby Ardoin