On 02/04/2024 at approximately 9:31 AM Opelousas Police Department responded to a shooting in the 500 block E South Street.
The Opelousas Police Department received a call from the Opelousas General Hospital stating that a 29-year-old black male arrived with a gunshot wound to his right hand.
During the investigation, officers learned that the victim had been shot in the 500 block of East South Street, by an individual whom he had been in a fight with. Officers were able to identify the suspect as 30-year-old Dexter Broussard Jr. of Opelousas.
Broussard later met with officers and was then transported to the St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s office and charged with attempted manslaughter and disturbing the peace by fighting. The victim who was identified as 29-year-old Keenan Charles was also charged in the incident with disturbing the peace by fighting.
The Opelousas Police Department asks that anyone with any information related to this investigation to contact the Opelousas Police Department at 337-948-2500, crimetips@opelousaspd.com or through Crime Stoppers (337-948-TIPS, www.stlandrycrimestoppers.com or by using the P3 mobile App.) Tipsters can remain anonymous. Tipsters can receive up to a $2500.00 cash reward.