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Eunice P.D. Escaped Inmate
Andrew Morrison

Chief Kyle LeBouef and the Eunice Police Department come to Crime
Stoppers and ask your assistance in locating an escaped inmate.

On May 15, 2024, Eunice Police Department had an inmate at the Acadian
Medical Center for medical treatment. The inmate, Andrew “Bumper”
Morrison, escaped custody from a Eunice Police Department Jailer and has been
on the run. Morrison is a black male, 46 years old, 5’ 9”, 210 lbs., and is bald.
He has tattoos over both eyebrows and on his right cheek area. Morrison is
charged with narcotics violations, aggravated criminal damage to property,
simple escape, and various traffic violations. He is from the Eunice area.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Andrew Morrison is
asked to contact St. Landry Crime Stoppers. Use our QR code on your screen or
tip using any mobile device by dialing **TIPS. Remember to download our P3
app and “Tap the App” to “Say It Here” and submit your anonymous tips. On
behalf of the St. Landry Crime Stoppers Board, Chief Kyle LeBouef with the
Eunice Police Department, Sheriff Bobby J. Guidroz and the St. Landry Parish
Sheriff’s Office, thank you and have a blessed day.
