August 2, 2024
Eleson James Landry, B/M, age 46, 1604 Mathews Street, Abbeville, LA., 70510, Bench warrant. Arrested by St. Landry
Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Blanch Opal Darbonne, W/F, age 41, 2644 I-49 N Service Road, Opelousas, LA., 70570, Bench warrant. Arrested by St.
Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office.
David James Jenkins, B/M, age 36, 212 N. Broadway Street, Church Point, LA., 70525, Fraudulent firearm and
ammunition purchase. Arrested by St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Robert James Miller, Sr., W/M, age 51, 1152 Reeton School Road, Mamou, LA., 70554, Bench warrant. Arrested by St.
Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Dwayne J. Hill, B/M, age 47, 1113 Highway 104, Opelousas, LA., 70570, Duty of sex offenders to notify law enforcement
of change of address, residence or other registration information. Arrested by St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office.
Dwayne J. Hill, B/M, age 47, 1113 Highway 104, Opelousas, LA., 70570, Probation / parole violation. Arrested by
Louisiana State Probation and Parole.
This is Sheriff Bobby J. Guidroz, and this concludes our report. All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty
in a court of law.