Contributing Writer
Vice-President Kamala Harris is planning to visit St. Landry Parish and depending on scheduling, her appearance could come as soon as Friday, according to one state-elected official.
District 40 state representative Dustin Miller who represents nearly all of St. Landry, said on Saturday that Harris is expected to visit somewhere in the Sunset area when she arrives in the parish to discuss broadband access and other proposed infrastructure improvements.
Parish president Jessie Bellard said during a Monday morning interview said that he understands that Harris intends to visit the parish, but details on that trip are uncertain at this point.
“I don’t know that much about it yet. I got my information from a third party. I do know the vice-president will be coming here (to St. Landry),” Bellard added.
Miller said during a Saturday night interview that a security detail designated for Harris’ trip to St. Landry spent part of Saturday looking for locations in the southern end of the parish where the vice-president could appear publicly.
The particular areas where Harris could visit had not been decided by Saturday night, Miller said.
St. Landry is scheduled to become one of four parishes statewide that is scheduled to receive a $50 million broadband access grant, parish president Jessie Bellard said Feb. 10 during a prepared speech that he made at the Delta Grand in Opelousas.
Harris spent most of last week in Germany where she monitored tensions that are occurring in Europe between Russia and the Ukraine.