On the menu Friday for the senior citizens of Port Barre was red beans and sausage prepared by the town’s Chief of Police Deon Boudreaux for the Summer Luncheon.
Through donations received by the Port Barre Police Department, a senior luncheon was held on Friday, July 7th for the town’s citizens over age 60. In addition to the meal, attendees enjoyed a game of bingo with door prizes generously donated by participating vendors. Among those prizes, 4 brand new smart TVs were donated by guest speaker and State Representative Dustin Miller.
Dr. Paula Sharkey was also a guest speaker for the luncheon who spoke to the attendees on the importance of health screenings and the critical importance diagnostic testing can have on outcomes.
Vendors from Opelousas General Health System, Home Health Care 2000, St. Joseph Hospice, LA Hospice Palliative Care and LHC each spoke briefly to guests on services they provide. Blood pressure readings were also provided by LHC as part of the program.
The police department hosts this quarterly luncheon throughout the year providing an event for its finely-aged community members to socialize and receive information on resources and programs available to them. The program and door prizes are funded through donations received throughout the year as well as from the pockets of their own PBPD employees.
The senior luncheon program was initiated by Former Chief David Richard in 2004 as an annual function for a good meal and community among senior citizens. In 2008, newly-elected Chief Deon Boudreaux continued the program taking the annual event to hosting 3 luncheons a year, adding vendors and guest speakers with informative topics geared towards the elderly and added door prizes.
What started out as a small gathering of 25 or so attendees, originally held in the American Legion and Town Community Center, has grown to as many as 130 attendees. Since 2009 the Baptist Church Fellowship Hall has served as the venue for the program, having outgrown the original facilities.
This year the Port Barre Police Department has added a 4th luncheon, hosting a barbeque lunch in the spring, red beans and sausage for the summer, jambalaya in the fall and a gumbo for winter. Volunteers from Port Barre Elementary’s 4-H members, PBHS JAG students and students from Good Shepherd Montessori School have helped serve at these luncheons. It is a service that is well appreciated and enjoyed by the elderly community.