SLN editor/head writer Bobby Ardoin received a message from a reader in Minnesota thanking him for writing the story about the puppies that were thrown into a garbage dumpster and was later adopted as a rescues. Here is the letter received by Ardoin from the Minnesota reader
Dear St. Landry Now,
I’m writing from Minnesota to say thank you so much for doing the follow-up story
about the 2 pups and the better future ahead for them.
One of our area TV news stations ran their story as a national headline on their website.
See link here:
I was happy to read the 2 individuals are being held accountable, BUT as a reader I wondered what happened to the pups?????
A quick search showed this story made the news around the country and that’s how I found St. Landry Now
and your story that had the answer.
Thank you to you and your writers for staying on top of local news and publishing online updates readers can access.
You make a real difference with your work and made a real difference for these animals.
Thank you,